If you ask me, what is youth? May be mutual bickering a seconds and accompany Amoy snacks at the age of fourteen, as a function of problem and dispute, is a smile and forget 17 years old, will all night chase drama and the midnight oil tonight at the age of 20. Listen to the May Day "song of laughter and forgetting" has lyrics is said: & ldquo; youth is hand in hand down the train and never look back, there is always one day we are old, never regret on the OK. ” If you ask me, how will I regret? The most beautiful time, I wish you a smile, loud cry, see the most wanted to see the people, said the most beautiful words. Don't want to but no licentious smiles you meet with joy, don't want to you and communication has hesitated, don't think you have the most beautiful smile in the most beautiful time, more than you obviously want to open to show their, but fear of being around strange eyes. If you ask me, what do you want to change? Correct it! Youth. Stop a buck teeth not knowing smile, don't because audacity and inferiority, don't because the teeth are not neat and missed a lot of brave, don't because of teeth to make your youth eclipsed! Today, don't be afraid, change will be in this summer!

Is youth, not on! And experts about a toothcorrection Hui
For the most beautiful youth point praise! tooth deformity will not only affect the child's image, but also cause psychological problems, physical health problems, social life, etc., will cause harm to their future. As a result, more and more parents realize that in this competitive society, a clean and neat teeth for the future of the child is very important. . On the one hand: plenty of time, do not delay learning early orthodontic, doctors must first understand the problems existing in the child's teeth, to determine the optimal treatment plan and treatment procedures, from the initial decision to treat to loaded on the appliance to the hospital several times. Holiday children do not have classes, the time arrangement is convenient, to avoid the child to look at the teeth delayed due to the delay homework. on the other hand, it is easy to get through the correction, the children go through a period of time, and gradually adapt to the appliance, the teeth gradually become neat and beautiful, and the confidence is enhanced, and can better meet the arrival of the new semester. Orthodontic experts remind: Summer correction, in the value of the same time, but also to choose an experienced doctor, 100% to ensure the effectiveness and safety of children's teeth. Growth is only once, confidence can affect a child's life!
[time]: now 12 points Activity time: 14:00-15:30 p.m. [recruitment]: feel that their teeth do not look good in the crowd (a tooth is skewed, crowded, and can not be arranged, and so on. [activity]: 0 yuan [participation]: 1, click “ I want to take part in ” you can participate. [number]: 50 people we will take 50 free of charge. Gift Set ; 1; ; 2; ; 3; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; 4, on-site to pay 200 reaching 1000 in cash, over 5 times (limit correction project, and the month of preferential share) [ [the month of the month of the offer: 1, invisible correction, set by 10000 yuan! This summer, I met the most beautiful 2, the rectification of the installment payment, 0 down payment, 0 fee, 0 installment fee, so that no burden of correction